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Chapter 6

Creating a timebank in your community can be a rewarding endeavor that fosters connection, support, and mutual aid. This chapter guides you through the steps to establish a timebank, from initial planning to launch and beyond.

1. Assess Community Interest

Before starting a timebank, gauge the interest level within your community. Conduct surveys, host informational meetings, or use social media to understand potential participation and identify the types of services people are interested in exchanging.

2. Build a Core Team

Assemble a group of committed individuals to help establish the timebank. This team will be responsible for planning, decision-making, and setting the foundation for your timebank. It's beneficial to have team members with diverse skills, including community organizing, marketing, and administration.

3. Define the Structure and Rules

Decide on the operational structure of your timebank. Will it be run by a community organization, as a standalone entity, or in partnership with local institutions? Develop clear guidelines and rules that address membership, the process of exchanging services, recording transactions, and resolving disputes.

4. Choose a Timebanking Software

Select a software platform to manage time credits, member profiles, service listings, and transactions. There are several timebanking software options available, some specifically designed for this purpose, which can help streamline operations and facilitate exchanges.

5. Conduct Outreach and Recruitment

Launch an outreach campaign to recruit members. Utilize local networks, social media, community events, and partnerships with local organizations to spread the word about your timebank and attract a diverse membership.

6. Provide Training and Support

Offer orientation sessions or workshops for new members to familiarize them with the timebanking process, software, and best practices for engaging in exchanges. Providing ongoing support and resources is crucial for member retention and active participation.

7. Launch Your Timebank

Organize a launch event to kickstart your timebank. This can be an opportunity for members to meet, share skills and services they offer, and begin making exchange agreements. A successful launch can generate enthusiasm and momentum.

8. Monitor and Adapt

Once your timebank is operational, monitor its progress, gather feedback from members, and adapt as necessary. Regularly assess the effectiveness of your timebank, celebrate successes, and address challenges to ensure it remains vibrant and responsive to community needs.

9. Foster a Sense of Community

Encourage a community spirit among members through regular meetups, social events, or sharing success stories. A strong sense of community can enhance trust, increase participation, and contribute to the timebank's sustainability.


Starting a timebank requires dedication, planning, and community engagement, but the benefits are substantial. By creating a platform for mutual aid and reciprocal service exchange, you can empower individuals, build community resilience, and foster a culture of cooperation and support in your local area.

Next page: Chapter 7



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